FIND GRAPHIC DESIGNERS is a Website dedicated to giving you access to Christian Graphic Designers or Christian owned design businesses. As a Christian having access to a Christian design company should in theory give your church or business access to designers that understand your thinking and goals.


Find the perfect Graphic Designer or Web Developer for your project. We have a list of global Graphic Designers and Web Developers, and all of them are Christians. This should help with your church or business project.



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Jesus is a real part of our lives, He has promised to never leave or forsake us. Praise God for Jesus.

Prayer @ work - Testimony of Robert: Some times it is hard to gauge how your prayers are going. However I recently had an experience that showed me that God does answer our prayers in miraculous ways. We have a client at work who is involved in Market Research, I pray for my clients on a regular basis. One day as I was working on their Website God spoke to me and said "How would I like to work for channel 9?" Channel 9 is a major free to air TV channel in our country. I was shocked by it and did not know what God was suggesting, but took care with the Website in'case it was put on TV. However some time (a few weeks/month) latter Channel 9 approached the very client who I was working for when God asked me the question. And their business was put on channel 9's program called A Current Affair. God is in control of the affairs of men. As a further encouragement another client who I pray for, a charity, was put on the front page of the white pages in Brisbane, one of the cities major business directories.